2 concert!
Today there ware 2 concert!
One of them was A Christmas Gospel Concert by my friends in the church.
So I helped them at the entrance for many audience.
Visitting this church was first time for me, it's very beautiful building and there was wonderful pipe organ!
Their concert also was very good and they sang songs well.
I'm happy to see them and hear their music!
After that I went to another concert with my friend!
It's my favorite violinist TARO HAKASE's concert!
This year is 10th anniversary he played many music with guests!
It's very emotional for me, so I could not stop my tears ...
His music always cheered me up, and he gave me many kind of music!
after that my friend and I enjoyed dinner and talked about concert!
Today there ware 2 concert!
One of them was A Christmas Gospel Concert by my friends in the church.
So I helped them at the entrance for many audience.
Visitting this church was first time for me, it's very beautiful building and there was wonderful pipe organ!
Their concert also was very good and they sang songs well.
I'm happy to see them and hear their music!
After that I went to another concert with my friend!
It's my favorite violinist TARO HAKASE's concert!
This year is 10th anniversary he played many music with guests!
It's very emotional for me, so I could not stop my tears ...
His music always cheered me up, and he gave me many kind of music!
after that my friend and I enjoyed dinner and talked about concert!