Today is 28, July.
I'm looking forward to come that!
Because there was a party with my friends!
my birthday!
A friend will get marriage, so others 2 friends who are sisters and work in the food shop's staff, and I congratulated her!
We became friends where we had lunch in a food shop near a re-office.
Last time I saw them in the food shop, when I finished re-job.
It's very fast to pass 1 month..
I miss them.
I'm happy to see them again!
I enjoyed to talk about many things,
to have dinner,
to drink,
to sing songs for KARAOKE,
and so on...
She will go to Tokyo on Saturday.
I miss her.
But we promise to see again!
2 sisters saw her and me off with a smile in the bus station.
After we took on a bus, we continued to shake up hands until they disappeared.
I came to appreciate seeing them!
It's my favorite treasure!
I will dream come true again for seeing them again!
Good Night!
Today is 28, July.
I'm looking forward to come that!
Because there was a party with my friends!
my birthday!
A friend will get marriage, so others 2 friends who are sisters and work in the food shop's staff, and I congratulated her!
We became friends where we had lunch in a food shop near a re-office.
Last time I saw them in the food shop, when I finished re-job.
It's very fast to pass 1 month..
I miss them.
I'm happy to see them again!
I enjoyed to talk about many things,
to have dinner,
to drink,
to sing songs for KARAOKE,
and so on...
She will go to Tokyo on Saturday.
I miss her.
But we promise to see again!
2 sisters saw her and me off with a smile in the bus station.
After we took on a bus, we continued to shake up hands until they disappeared.
I came to appreciate seeing them!
It's my favorite treasure!
I will dream come true again for seeing them again!
Good Night!